2007.07.30/31 Track Days 5 & 6
Another run with COMSCC, this time at Tremblant. First time out at the track. 8 entries, 15 studens, but a pesky new city rule states that no more tan 30 cars are allowed on track at the same time. track time was a bit limited, but there's even more concern for oher clubs runnig there. We'll see in a few weeks wth BMW.
Once again, I was learning very fast with a good instructor (Mick).
My time trials finished with a few tenths over 2:00 and a pretty nasty catch. I'm pretty sure that I would have gone under the 2 minute barrier with a clean lap. No that it matters much anyway, I'm very far from a best in class car/run :). Lots of open lapping afeter the time trials, but my bearing broke three laps into that open track session... :(
Some fine pics, none taken by me (but I did set up the camera ;)
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